Our dietitian and nutritionist offer nutritional therapy for osteoporosis with a personalized diet plan and supportive nutritional counselling sessions for optimal bone health.
Yes, a registered dietitian can help manage osteoporosis with personalized nutritional interventions and a meal plan to help improve overall bone health.
A dietitian and nutritionist can help manage osteoporosis and overall bone health in the following ways:
Learn more about our registered dietitians and nutritionists who work with clients for the management of osteoporosis and improved bone health.
Learn more about our personalized meal plans.
✓ outline how the process looks like
✓ discuss your goals and concernsÂ
✓ explain how billing and pricing work
✓ address concerns about insurance, if any
✓ answer any other questions
As always, in addition to working with our dietitian and nutritionist for osteoporosis treatment, we encourage you to take a look at the below resources.